Adora Our Favorite Tea Party Cookie Recipes -

Adora is Sweet on You! Our Favorite Tea Party Cookie Recipes

Adora is Sweet on You! Our Favorite Tea Party Cookie Recipes

cookies1February is the month of love and we want to let you know how much we LOVE our Adora customers and fans! Your loyalty and love of our products is the reason we do what we do. All of the photos you share on social media warm our hearts! Seeing your little ones hugging their Adora dolls, smiling and laughing with their friends while they play, using their imaginations while they go on adventures with their dolls in tow….we can’t get enough. And we are honored that you choose Adora dolls and accessories for your little parents-in-training!

blogpost2One activity we love seeing your children partake in is the classic Tea Party. In addition to fun, children’s tea can be a teaching experience in a social setting. Both girls and boys can learn the etiquette of table manners and conversation while they bring their dolls with them. A theme tea can be the springboard to a history lesson or even encourage kindness and the responsibility of community volunteerism. Including children in a holiday tea can bind the traditions from one generation to another. The recipes may be enjoyed by the child in everyone.*

Tea parties aren’t complete without something sweet to nibble on (and “feed” the dolls!). Here are two of our favorite cookie recipes that are perfect for a tea party:
Valentine’s Day Spritz Cookies
Scottish Shortbread

Don't forget to invite Adora ToddlerTime Organic Foodie! She is looking chic in her favorite yellow bloomers and is excited to join the tea party just as you are! 

We hope your Valentine’s Day—and every day—is filled with love and joy and thank you for making Adora part of your child’s adventures. Keep sharing your photos and stories!

* Excerpt from AFTERNOON TEA – TIPS, TERMS, and TRADITIONS by Ellen Easton ©2006-2016 – All Rights Reserved.

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