Healthy Food Choices for Kids!

A balanced diet and nutritious food choices are essential in keeping your ADORAble little ones strong and healthy. Teaching the right habits and getting the proper nutrients have strong impact in their continued growth especially during the formative years of their childhood so it’s better to teach kids early.

With our ToddlerTime Doll Organic Foodie, explore few healthy food choices for your kids!


Yogurt makes a great breakfast, snack, and dessert, and is best for kids! It has calcium and protein which are both essential in the development of our bones. Most flavored yogurt available in the market has added sugar which aren't healthy for the kids. so it's best to get a plain and unsweetened yogurt and just add in their favorite fruits! 


Did you know avocado is a berry? And it makes a great first baby food! This delectable fruit is packed with nutrients like fiber & healthy fats perfect for your little ones' development—which makes it a wonder fruit! It has a mild taste and creamy texture, it very easy to prepare and eat for an afternoon munch. Try making an avocado toast or an avocado milkshake for the little picky eaters.


Eggs are highly nutritious! They are rich in protein, good cholesterol, Vitamin A for eye health, Choline for brain function, and Vitamin B7 which is responsible for healthy hair, skin and nails.

Eggs have amazing benefits and there so many ways to enjoy them! 

More fruits & veggies

Make healthy snacks available for them! Fruits and vegetables are a main source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are good for the body and essential to growth. It can be challenging to introduce these food choices especially when the taste don't appeal to them. What you may do is to try different recipes to make your little ones' fruit & veggies yummy and exciting to eat!

Some recipes are even easy and kid-friendly to make that you can have your kids help prepare their own food.

Introduce our Amazon Exclusive! Sweet Babies to teach healthy food choices even during playtime! Each ADORAble 11-inch soft baby doll represents a delectable yummy fruit and arrives with FREE! Adora Baby Bottle for feeding time & nurturing pretend play. Child & mom-approved, perfect for kids 1 and up.