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World Kindness Day: Adora Giving Back

November 13th is World Kindness Day and here at Adora, “Play it Forward” is an important phrase for us. We feel it is our social responsibility and part of our culture to go out and do some good in our communities through charities, donations, volunteer work and actions of love and care. This sense of purpose is passionately demonstrated in our regular visits to Children’s hospitals, donating toys to Fire Station Drop-Offs, participating in military family events, donating to children around the world, many in remote villages, “Adopting a family” for the holidays and much more.

Adora volunteers at CHOC's Family Night

Donating to local hospitals is something Adora has been participating in for as long as we can remember. CHOC, Children’s Hospital of Orange County, is a pediatric health care community committed to the health and well-being of children through clinical expertise, advocacy and research. Every individual, from the doctors, donors to the volunteers, make a difference in the lives of the children at CHOC and we couldn’t be happier to donate toys to these children. We love going to CHOC, meeting the kids & their families and seeing their faces light up when we tell them they get to pick out a new toy to keep all to themselves!

Donating Dolls to Children in Africa

Last year, Adora donated toys and dolls to children in Africa through Reaching Beyond Ourselves. Reaching Beyond Ourselves is a non-profit organization that is completely volunteer based. With over 20 years of experience working with refugee camps, shelters, prisons and orphan care homes, this organization works locally and internationally with people who are suffering to bring aid, happiness and smiles to kids and families in need. We were delighted when they asked us to donate toys to their cause. Collaborating with charitable groups like Reaching Beyond Ourselves reminds us that all children need fun and smiles in their lives. Toys, especially baby dolls, can give children emotional support, love and care.

Play Your Part Los Angeles

Every year, the Toy Foundation hosts an event in Los Angeles called "Play Your Part LA". Various toy companies, including Adora, volunteer their day to help get toys to less fortunate children. To date, the toy industry as a whole has donated nearly $4.5 million dollar's worth of toys and served nearly 300,000 children since Play Your Part launched in 2013. 

At Play Your Part, each person is assigned to a specific task whether that's packing up the toys for the gifts, playing games with them, writing notes to accompany the donations and more.

In 2018, the Adora team was assigned to the card-writing station. We loved hand-writing colorful and inspirational messages to the kids who would receive these toy donations. In 2019, our Adora team helped pack the bags with all of the toy donations that would be given out to the families at the event and then shipped also to less fortunate families all across the country. 

We love creating innovative, fun and safe toys for children all over the world; we also love to give back whenever we can. If you have a charity near and dear to your heart, please reach out to us at as we're always looking for new ways to help those less fortunate.