National Child Health Day - Keep Your Kids Healthy & Happy! - Adora

Keep Those Little Ones Healthy & Happy!

Keep Those Little Ones Healthy & Happy!

As a toy company, it goes without saying that we LOVE making kids laugh and being a part of creating memories that will last them a lifetime. But at Adora, that's secondary to making sure they are healthy and safe throughout all phases of growing up.

Today is National Child Health Day and it's meant to help increase awareness on ways to protect and promote children's health year-round and reaffirm our commitment to our youth's well-being!


Whether it's good nutrition, promoting physical activity and exercise, protecting the environment or empowering children to make healthy decisions - its a part of our collective responsibility to equip them with the tools to be happy, healthy and productive! We can all benefit from taking the time to learn more about the most current issues in childhood health including topics such as bullying and childhood obesity.

There are many resources for information  including sites like HRSA and SAMHSA

That doesn't mean forget about the fun stuff of course, like playing dolls! Happy Child Health Day from Adora!

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